How To Fire a Seller

Ok my friend, buckle up because today we’re diving into a crucial part of the real estate game—how to fire a seller. Yeah, you heard me right. This may come as a surprise to some, but not every seller is going to be a match made in heaven, and that’s okay. Knowing when and how to say “thanks, but no thanks” is just as important as closing the deal. In this article, you’ll learn an advanced perspective on how to prescreen house sellers on the phone to determine if they’re a fit for our business model or not. We’ll break down the key questions you need to ask, identify the red flags to watch for, and craft a polite yet powerful way to part ways with unfit sellers while keeping the door open for future opportunities. 

Oh yeah, and I’ve got a couple killer scripts to use for this exact purpose!

The enhanced understanding you’ll gain from reading this will also help anyone who is scared of the phone because they feel like they’re in an inferior position. Keep reading, and we’re going to flip the script on that feeling (pun fully intended)!
And wouldn’t you rather be the one firing rather than being fired?

Ready to become a powerful prescreening pro? Let’s get started!

Four Big LIES You’ve Been Told

Don’t you just HATE it when you realize that someone has been lying to you? I know I sure do!

And it’s even worse when you realize that those who have been lying to YOU have been lying to everyone else! Who are these liars? Well, it shouldn’t surprise you that this list includes: The media, politicians, major corporations, your teachers from school, and even your own parents! Well, your parents may not have known they were lying when they told you these things, and it might not be their fault, because they were probably just repeating the same lies they were told many years ago. But at least our parents meant well, right?

In this article, we’re going to explore the 4 big lies you’ve probably been told since you were a kid, and what you should do when you realize you’ve been lied to. We’re also going to look at what the real TRUTH is, and why it’s true. Get ready to have your head rung, because we’re about to go deep. Do you think you can handle this? Let’s GO…