Alright, let’s get one thing straight.
When you saw the title “The Power of the F-Word,” I bet your mind went straight to that naughty 4-letter word that got you into trouble when you were a kid. Am I right? But before you start blushing, let me clarify: we’re not talking about that F-word. We’re talking about a better f-word that offers something far more powerful and life-changing for you: FOCUS! That’s right, the ability to zero in on what truly matters and shut out the rest.
Believe it or not, but I’m quite qualified to know about how easy it is to have a tremendous lack of focus. Bet you didn’t know this, but I used to be the king of distractions. My to-do list (when I even used one) used to look like a battlefield, sporadically jotted down on several stupid little scraps of paper, littered with half-finished projects and forgotten tasks. And they were constantly being misplaced.
Let me give you an example… One day many years ago, I had to run some errands. I needed to change my oil, wash my car, get some groceries, drop off some books at the library, and then straighten out my office. Typical stuff, right? But as I went to my car, I noticed that the air in one of my tires was a little low, so I went to the trunk to get my air compressor. When I was in the trunk, I noticed that it needed to be cleaned up as well, so I started on that. When I went to throw something away, I noticed that my trash bin wheel was wobbly. Had to fix that, and then my neighbor came over to chat with me. I wanted to be a good neighbor, but we wound up talking for about 45 minutes!
I think you can see where this is going… At the end of the day, my oil still hadn’t been changed, I never made it to the grocery store, the books were still in the car, and my office was still a mess by my standards. But at least I put air in my tire and cleaned up the trunk, as well as fix that wobbly trash bin wheel. And talk to my neighbor, of course.

Doug the Dog Demonstrating Distraction
And that’s when it hit me: I needed to get my S-word together, and the only way that was going to happen was by using the power of the F-word: Focus, because I finally realized that my lack of focus was holding me back from achieving my goals.
That was just a small example using personal stuff. I’m too embarrassed to share some of my previous stories of how my lack of focus affected my business. I can easily say that lack of focus held me back & kept me broke for more years than I care to admit.
Does that story sound familiar? That’s never happened to you, has it?
If you can relate to that story… If you’ve ever had a day like that (or still do)… If you recognize that if you want to accomplish the things you want to accomplish, then this needs to change. You need to change. And if that does describe you, you’re reading the right article, and I’m the right guy who can help you make that change. Why? Because If I’ve done it for myself…and also helped many students, I’m confident I can help you do it, too. Sound good? Now let me ask you something…
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Comments (11)
I feel like you wrote this article just for me 😂. Focusing is one of my biggest challenges but I have been working on staying more focused. It’s baby steps but at least it’s steps in the right direction 😁
lol! Thank you for providing the first comment on this new article, Donna. I’m so glad you got some good value out of this!
Remember to take it a day at a time and maintain that focus. You’re on a great path. See you at the top!
Tony, I totally agree with Donna’s comment above, I am convinced you wrote this article just for me!! When I worked in the corporate world, I was detailed and very focused and even became frustrated because my Admin was completely unorganized and I had to work double time to keep her focused on the projects I assigned to her.
Since I retired and am free to set my own priorities, I have become more like my Admin and I stay frustrated because of the lack of my accomplishments.
I was just having a talk with myself this past weekend and I said to myself, “Self, you must get organized and it needs to start by cleaning and organizing your office!!”
So your article came at the perfect time!
Thanks, Tony. YOU ARE THE MAN!!
Thank you, Gerald. Yes, I wrote this just for you (and those like you/us lol)!
You’ll find that when you have that focus, you wont’ have to work double time. It will be more like half time. And it’s awesome.
Thank you for your excellent feedback. You are appreciated, sir.
(“Other F-Word”;) Brilliant! And just as funny (if not more so) than ‘Doug the Dog’! So (“Other F-Word”) apropos! I’m so glad I’m not the only one…wait…SQUIRREL!
Thank you, Bella! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your awesome awesome comments!
Loved the movie and this article. Now get those hidden cameras out of my house, please! 🙂
Another attention grabbing title. (I knew it was you when I saw it.)
Powerful and timely stuff as usual; and well written, I might add.
I’m focusing on refocusing after a lot of distractions and delays this year.
Perfect timing.
Thanks Tony.
Bruce!! Thank you for your feedback, sir. Always appreciated.
I can’t believe you noticed those cameras – you weren’t supposed to see them. Thought my team hid them better! lol 🙂
If there’s anyone I have to emphatically insist that you use the powerful, proven suggestions here in this article, it’s YOU, brother!
Written with love,
Did you just describe my daily life? Are you watching over me what I am doing?
I am chasing not just 02 rabbits, but a troupe of rabbits, and guess what? NONE!
This is a powerful article written for me.
I started organizing my schedule, and F-ing on what’s important.
Thanks Tony.
Ok Chafia! Wow, that’s great feedback.
The best part is where you said you’re already organizing your schedule (and “f-ing on what’s important” lol!).
Let me know how those powerful plans work out for you!
Hit the nail on the head! I am interested in the course.