Hello again! If you recall, in Part 1 of this article, we discussed some important stuff about How Money Works. I showed you how it’s ‘born,’ who regulates it, the power of fractional reserve lending, and how the central banks essentially get paid interest on ‘nothing.’ Do you remember all that?
Good! If not, please go back and reread that article, because it sets a vital foundation for what we’re going to be discussing here today. In this article, I’m going to deliver on my promise to tell you about a NEW type of currency and why your financial future may depend on it. VERY important stuff, and I’m going to do my absolute best to keep it simple and understandable, while at the same time doing what I always do in these articles: Keep it real.
You might be wondering why I’m so insistent on how your financial future may depend heavily on what I want to tell you about here, right? And that’s exactly what you should be thinking. Ok, so without any further delay, let me give you the big reveal about why I titled this article “The Dawn Of A New Currency,” and it should come as no big surprise that I’m talking about…