By Tony Pearl

Whether you’re brand new to real estate investing or have done over a hundred deals, you’ve surely at least heard of wholesaling houses. You know – that strategy where you get a house under contract for a really cheap price for all cash, then turn around and sell it for a nice, easy & fast profit? Yeah, that one.

So if you’re intending to make money by wholesaling properties (which you should), then you’re going to need to be very familiar with the two exact ways you’re going to make that happen:
In order to get paid & make that quick cash, you’re either going to 

  1. Assign your contract or 
  2. Do a double close.

But what’s the difference? And when do we use each one? What’s the best strategy for your wholesaling real estate business? Have you ever wondered about those things?

Good news! I have you covered.

In this training article, we’re going to dive deep into these things. We’ll dissect what each strategy is and cover the benefits and negatives of each, and give you a better understanding of everything. So by the time you’re done reading this, you’ll not only understand the key differences between an assignment of contract and a double close, you’ll also be very confident about which one to use and when… And why… And how!

Are you ready? Here we go…

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Comments (7)

This has simplified the idea of wholesaling properties, the different ways we can close these deals, and the different sources of funding to help us make money fast. Appreciate the knowledge Tony shares simplifies this strategy in lay language that is easy to understand. Giving us the states that have restrictions to wholesaling came as a bonus to people like us who are new to this business. Thank you for the remarkable education!!

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