Four Big LIES You’ve Been Told

Don’t you just HATE it when you realize that someone has been lying to you? I know I sure do!

And it’s even worse when you realize that those who have been lying to YOU have been lying to everyone else! Who are these liars? Well, it shouldn’t surprise you that this list includes: The media, politicians, major corporations, your teachers from school, and even your own parents! Well, your parents may not have known they were lying when they told you these things, and it might not be their fault, because they were probably just repeating the same lies they were told many years ago. But at least our parents meant well, right?

In this article, we’re going to explore the 4 big lies you’ve probably been told since you were a kid, and what you should do when you realize you’ve been lied to. We’re also going to look at what the real TRUTH is, and why it’s true. Get ready to have your head rung, because we’re about to go deep. Do you think you can handle this? Let’s GO…

Everyone Goes Through This. Even You.

Today, we’re discussing the thrilling rollercoaster ride of real estate investing—a journey that follows a five-stage emotional journey we all take, whether we know it or not. As a matter of fact, you’re at one of these five stages right now!

The main reason why you need to read & digest this information is so you can understand specifically where you are in your journey, then compare that to the big picture of the five stages, so that you know what’s coming up and can be better prepared for it, in order to get to where you want to go – the fifth stage of this journey!

Listen, it doesn’t matter if you’re focusing on the big checks from all cash wholesale and rehab deals, or looking to solidify your asset portfolio of real estate by acquiring more deals on terms, it’s vital to prepare yourself for the twists and turns you’ll encounter along the way. We’re about to discover the emotional phases that everyone—yes, everyone, even YOU—goes through in this crazy adventure of real estate investing.

But take heart, because here’s the key: Once you KNOW the various challenges you’ll encounter along the way, you’ll be that much more prepared for them, right? So put on your reading glasses and grab your armor, because here we GO…

We Buy Houses, CASH or TERMS (Script)

Do you ever struggle with a simple way of telling people (sellers) WHAT it is that we DO in our real estate business? Do you ever wonder HOW we can quickly and easily bridge the gap between YOU knowing what benefits & service we provide and the SELLER knowing the same? Do you ever wish that someone…somehow…would just provide a nice SCRIPT you can use that will easily explain what we do so that you can simply see if we’re a good fit for the seller & vice-versa? Yes?

Great! Then you’ll be happy to know that this is EXACTLY what I’m providing for you here today, right here on this page! I should have written this a LONG time ago.
So that’s what you’re getting here now. Are you ready? Here we go…

Free Leads, Fun, Friends, and Food Frequently Found HERE!

In this special post, we’re going to look at something that’s often overlooked by so many real estate investors, from new to veteran. This “something” can quickly introduce you to a whole new world that you may have not even considered. So stick with me for a few short but valuable minutes as we go through this together, shall we? Let me start by doing something I love to do – ask you a couple quick questions…
Are you tired of struggling to find a good source of motivated seller (or buyer) leads? Feeling like you’re stranded on a deserted island, without anyone around who understands what you do? Are you frustrated because you don’t know anyone in your local area who has had or is having success at this real estate business?
Well, I have some great news for you today…