Happy Veteran’s Day!
11 November 2022. Today is the day that we proudly honor our great Veterans who have served our country.
If you or anyone in your family have served in the military, police, or first responders,
I would like to say a huge Thank You so much for your service!
You help to keep our country free and preserve our sacred liberties…
Liberties that too many people take for granted.
If you haven’t served our country, today is a great day to show your appreciation for those who have.
So let us show our support for the brave men and women who have fought and protected us!
There are so many ways to show appreciation to our Veterans, and here are some ideas:
- Donate to a charity that supports Veterans and their families.
- Call or send a message to a loved one who has served to let
them know that you are thinking of them. - If you have a business & have an opening, strongly consider hiring a VET for the job!
I can personally tell you from experience that these guys & gals are the best out there. - Take the time to shake the hand of someone in uniform, and tell them that you appreciate them.
Maybe if we do a few of these things on a regular basis, we can begin to bring more light into the world and help cut down on the number of veteran suicides that happen every day.
As a proud member of a military family, I take this mission personally.
My military family: My father: Full Colonel in the Air Force; Mother: Naval Lieutenant; One brother: Police Officer, Retired; Other brother: Lt. Col., Air Force, Retired; Oldest son: Active Duty, Air Force, and I also had Marine Corps and Navy training in the 4 years of ROTC that I tremendously enjoyed.
Please take a moment to look around and see the beauty and gifts
in our world. I know this business can be challenging, but it’s so important to take the time to appreciate the things we have.
God bless you & thank you for being a part of my world, and thank you for allowing ME to serve YOU!!
Your Mentor,
Tony Pearl