Holiday Group Coaching Call Replay from Tuesday 27 Dec 2023

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

What a GREAT Group Coaching Call we had last night (Tuesday, December 27th, 2023)!
My thanks to each and every one of you who showed up and participated in this excellent call.
YOU helped to make it great!

We covered a LOT of powerful information, I answered some excellent questions, shared ideas and strategies, did some Q&A, and  went over a couple of good-looking deals. Oh, and I shared some horribly funny jokes! 🙂

So without any further delay, let me share the call replay.
To Listen to the Call: Just click on the PLAY button below. Then do it again to listen: 

OR… you can also click here to listen on a separate page:

Here’s a list of the Resources & TOOLS we discussed during the call:
Let me know if I missed anything.

Powerful article: “The Lazy Man’s Way to Set Goals
Hate to set/write goals? Not sure about the best way to get this done? Read this – you’ll love it!

-Get access to the powerful Resources Page
All kinds of great stuff on there.

I FORGOT to mention that we have a new LIBRARY for you to check out.
See my list of recommended reading HERE!

Bonus: Check out the life-changing mindset audio I made for you:
The Stream of Consciousness

For those who would like to network with other students, I’ve created a special page for you.
You may now access that page here (Click that link)

And Keep your eyes open for my amazing and powerful new software I’ll be launching next year. This software will help you easily accomplish all 5 Steps to Success in this business – automatically and affordably. I can’t wait to get it out there to you!

Wrapping Up:

The time really flew by on the call, and I was amazed at how many people stayed for the entire time – 2 hours!

So whether you were able to be one of the fortunate ones to stay for the whole call, or if you had to bail after a while…or if you missed the call entirely, no problem! I have you covered. Just click on that link above, and you’ll be able to listen to the whole thing.

Finally, I’d like to thank our sponsor of this whole event, our website: Your Real Estate Course!
Although this special Holiday Group Call event is free & I’m super happy and proud to host it every year, listen…
If you’re not a member of this website, you are TRULY missing out!
All the special Training Articles I publish regularly, the powerful TOOLS I create, and the overall support you get.
(just ask those who use it regularly)
So if your membership has slipped for some crazy reason, we’ll welcome you back with open arms!
Just go HERE to sign up again as soon as you’re ready.

Thank you again for your patience, cooperation, and understanding. I can’t tell you how much I truly appreciate you!

Here’s to an amazing 2024!!

From my new home in Tampa, FL
Tony Pearl

P.S. How did you like the great Group Call? Feel free to leave your comments below!

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