“The Right LUBE For Social Intercourse”

Happy Halloween! I’ve got a slightly spooky but mainly naughty article for you today!

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget the little things that make life pleasant. Yet, these small, seemingly insignificant gestures—like saying hello, goodbye, please, thank you, and the acts of simply smiling and engaging in good conversation—can have powerfully pleasant impacts on you and everyone around you.

Social Lube: Making it More Sticky AND Slippery?

It has been said that the exchange of simple pleasantries is the glue that holds our social interactions together and makes your environment nicer to be in. It has also been said that these simple acts are often referred to as “social lubricants,” and they are crucial for fostering smoother, more enjoyable relationships, both personally and professionally. 

That means that this stuff makes things both sticky (glue) and slippery (lube). Keep your head out of the gutter! So when we consistently practice them, not only do we improve our relationships, we also elevate the overall atmosphere around us. This article will explore the importance of these simple acts, the pleasure they bring, and how they can make both your world and the world a better place!

Let’s start with the easiest exchange of pleasantries that’s too often overlooked these days…

The Power of the F-Word

Alright, let’s get one thing straight. When you saw the title “The Power of the F-Word,” I bet your mind went straight to that naughty 4-letter word that got you into trouble when you were a kid. Am I right? But before you start blushing, let me clarify: we’re not talking about that F-word. We’re talking about a better f-word that offers something far more powerful and life-changing for you: FOCUS!  That’s right, the ability to zero in on what truly matters and shut out the rest.

Believe it or not, but I’m quite qualified to know about how easy it is to have a tremendous lack of focus. Bet you didn’t know this, but I used to be the king of distractions.

Let me give you an example… One day many years ago, I had to run some errands. I needed to change my oil, wash my car, get some groceries, drop off some books at the library, and then straighten out my office. Typical stuff, right? But as I went to my car, I noticed that the air in one of my tires was a little low, so I went to the trunk to get my air compressor. When I was in the trunk, I noticed that it needed to be cleaned up as well, so I started on that. When I went to throw something away, I noticed that my trash bin wheel was wobbly. Had to fix that, and then my neighbor came over to chat with me. I wanted to be a good neighbor, but we wound up talking for about 45 minutes!

I think you can see where this is going… At the end of the day, my oil still hadn’t been changed, I never made it to the grocery store, the books were still in the car, and my office was still a mess by my standards. But at least I put air in my tire and cleaned up the trunk, as well as fix that wobbly trash bin wheel. And talk to my neighbor, of course.

And that’s when it hit me: I needed to get my S-word together, and the only way that was going to happen was by using the power of the F-word: Focus, because I finally realized that my lack of focus was holding me back from achieving my goals. 

That was just a small example using personal stuff. I’m too embarrassed to share some of my previous stories of how my lack of focus affected my business. I can easily say that lack of focus held me back & kept me broke for more years than I care to admit.

Does that story sound familiar? That’s never happened to you, has it?

If you can relate to that story… If you’ve ever had a day like that (or still do)… If you recognize that if you want to accomplish the things you want to accomplish, then this needs to change. You need to change. And if that does describe you, you’re reading the right article, and I’m the right guy who can help you make that change. Why? Because If I’ve done it for myself…and also helped many students, I’m confident I can help you do it, too. Sound good? Now let me ask you something…

“If You Want To Be RICH, Then Think Like THIS”

If you’re like most people, you have a problem. Every month, you have these things to pay called bills. We all know they suck. And the bills we pay are only getting higher and higher every month, due to inflation, the economy, and several other factors. At the end of the month, too many people have more month than money left. They’re just scraping by, and many statistics show that they’re just one little $500 emergency away from being in a truly desperate situation.

At the same time, most people are too lazy, busy, or just incompetent to realize how bad they’re doing financially. Or maybe they just don’t see a way out of their financial straits. And rather than try to figure out a way to do something productive, they turn to the escapism of alcohol, drugs, gambling, or just binging Netflix. It used to be that people in that situation would just go out and get another job, but it seems that an increasing number of folks are too lazy to do even that. Like most things, I blame Covid.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably not like ‘most people,’ but maybe you can relate to what I’m talking about here in some way. Most of us have all been broke or have experienced financial hardship in our lives at some point. It’s important to remember what that felt like and use it for motivation when needed.

But if you don’t want to stay stuck on broke, then listen up! What you’re about to learn here can and should change the way you look at and think about a LOT of things – especially as they apply to business… Especially the real estate business. This valuable lesson will really help hammer home the important way of thinking and approaching just about any situation you encounter in business. And although I’ve written about some of this stuff before, I wanted to bring it back even stronger, because it’s really that important! Are you ready? Here we go…

Everyone Goes Through This. Even You.

Today, we’re discussing the thrilling rollercoaster ride of real estate investing—a journey that follows a five-stage emotional journey we all take, whether we know it or not. As a matter of fact, you’re at one of these five stages right now!

The main reason why you need to read & digest this information is so you can understand specifically where you are in your journey, then compare that to the big picture of the five stages, so that you know what’s coming up and can be better prepared for it, in order to get to where you want to go – the fifth stage of this journey!

Listen, it doesn’t matter if you’re focusing on the big checks from all cash wholesale and rehab deals, or looking to solidify your asset portfolio of real estate by acquiring more deals on terms, it’s vital to prepare yourself for the twists and turns you’ll encounter along the way. We’re about to discover the emotional phases that everyone—yes, everyone, even YOU—goes through in this crazy adventure of real estate investing.

But take heart, because here’s the key: Once you KNOW the various challenges you’ll encounter along the way, you’ll be that much more prepared for them, right? So put on your reading glasses and grab your armor, because here we GO…

We Buy Houses, CASH or TERMS (Script)

Do you ever struggle with a simple way of telling people (sellers) WHAT it is that we DO in our real estate business? Do you ever wonder HOW we can quickly and easily bridge the gap between YOU knowing what benefits & service we provide and the SELLER knowing the same? Do you ever wish that someone…somehow…would just provide a nice SCRIPT you can use that will easily explain what we do so that you can simply see if we’re a good fit for the seller & vice-versa? Yes?

Great! Then you’ll be happy to know that this is EXACTLY what I’m providing for you here today, right here on this page! I should have written this a LONG time ago.
So that’s what you’re getting here now. Are you ready? Here we go…