“That’s a Wrap! Or is it Subject-To?”
How To Know the Difference Between a Wraparound Mortgage and Subject-To, and When to Use Which Technique When Doing Your Next Deal,
by Tony Pearl
POP QUIZ!: Do you know the difference between buying a house ‘Subject-to’ vs. buying on a wraparound mortgage?
I see it all the time: A new student presents what they think is a possible deal, and when I ask them how specifically they intend to buy it, I get a variety of answers (usually guesses), and a fun and enlightening discussion ensues.
So today, in this training article, I intend to clear the air, erase all confusion & doubt, and finally clarify the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the benefits, problems, and strategies of these two powerful house buying techniques of Subject-to and Wraparound Mortgages!